When property is put up for sale, signage is put in front of the property to announce to would-be buyers the property is for sale. While this is useful in real estate sales, left unchecked this can create an eyesore and annoyance.

Newport Beach Municipal Code
Newport Beach has enacted regulation in the municipal code of the city specifically addressing real estate signs. Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.42.090(F) addresses Real Estate Signs.
Unlike other temporary signs, real estate signs are exempt from requiring a permit, but they must still comply with restrictions.
The sign cannot be more than one and a half square feet and cannot have a rider more than ninety four square inches.
The sign may have a plastic or metal brochure box not more than one hundred fifty four square inches. The overall height cannot be more than four feet above the ground unless mounted to the wall.
Additional signs
Additionally, when a house is available for inspection, known commonly as an “open house”, an additional sign is permitted.
This additional sign also cannot be more than one and a half square feet, but riders are not permitted.
This sign cannot be more than four feet off the ground, it cannot be installed anywhere that will create a hazard, it cannot be attached to any public property, and they cannot be installed before 8:00AM and must be removed no later than sunset.
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