For numerous cities waste management is an important issue that requires remedy. If there is an excessive amount of uncollected waste, the area will likely become less attractive and it could lead to a drop in property values.

Recycling requirements imposed
While the solution to remove excessive waste is to collect it, the method of collecting waste can also create both land and air pollution. In response to these concerns, California imposed recycling requirements which has prompted multiple counties to enact similar programs.
In 2016, the State of California set methane emissions reduction targets requiring its state jurisdictions to implement mandatory organic waste collection and recycling rather than going into landfills.
These requirements include reducing organic waste disposal by 75% and recovering at least 20% of surplus edible foods by 2025.
Landfill and waste disposal services
In Orange County, OC Waste and Recycling serves the County’s solid waste disposal needs. OC Waste and Recycling also provides landfill and waste disposal services to the unincorporated areas of Orange County and to 34 cities which have contracted with OC Waste and Recycling.
Since this state requirement applies to residences, both multifamily complexes and single family residences must sort both green waste and food waste into applicable collection receptacles. These receptacles are provided by their respective waste hauler which provides the pickup service to the residence.
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